Cyrièle Cyrièle

Yoga isn't a workout, it's a work in.
A path to self-realisation.

Through the physical practice of yoga postures (asanas), Cyrièle invites you to reconnect your body and your mind. Find balance between your physical, spiritual and emotional self. Listen to the body and quiet the mind. Following her guidance, you’ll learn to identify what makes you feel good, content and present.

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"Cyrièle’s dynamic breathing-focused classes help me to connect my mind & body and find calm in my yoga practice." — Alex

Discover the classes

Gentle Vinyasa

Vinyasa is a style of yoga characterized by stringing postures together so that you move from one to another, seamlessly, using breath. This class is designed for beginners; we'll cover the basics of alignment and purpose of each posture, whilst working on transitions.


The Rocket sequence encourages play and offers modifications of traditional poses. Following a smooth unbroken rhythm of breath and movement, the sequence adds in more strengthening abdominal moves which support an inversion practice. It leaves you with the feeling of being stronger, lighter and more flexible.

Vinyasa Flow

Vinyasa is a style of yoga characterized by stringing postures together so that you move from one to another, seamlessly, using breath. This is a dynamic yet open level class as each pose has many possible variations.

Mandala Vinyasa

In a Mandala Vinyasa class, you'll explore circular movements with your body, moving around all four corners of the mat. Following your breath, you’ll be working on a particular target area (element) in the body. The repetition of the Mandala sequence as well as the deep connexion with the breath give to this practice a strong meditative aspect.

Yin yoga

Yin yoga targets both the deep connective tissues, and the fascia throughout the body. This is a static type of yoga, where poses are held for longer period of time. The aim is to try and stay still, and let time and gravity loosen the joints to create space in the body. This is also a meditative practice, as stillness is challenging, especially for the mind.